You can do much more than just place a few units on the map. When you use them to their fullest, your map design could go through the roof. Even the standard functions already allow you to make very nice maps. The UNITS menu allows you to place units, buildings, animals and other items on the map. However, the UNITS menu is where the magic happens! When you design a map, you need the TERRAIN menu to place forests, water, roads etc. This article mainly focuses on the UNITS menu. It is based on the old original editor, which has not changed much for the new Age of Empires:DE remake: 2) The Units menu.

If you want to get started, a good basic article is on Age of Empires Heaven can help. It is a pity that this does not seem to be possible now with the original Age of Empires, introductory bitmaps were an art of their own. If the bugs get fixed, it will also allow you to place your own introductory bitmaps. Note: As I am writing this (July 2018), the „Cinematics“ menu is still very bugged with Age of Empires: Definitive Edition and I am currently not using it. You can create new maps and terrains, place items and units on them, choose the number of players and their personalities, what their diplomatic stance is toward each other, what individual or general victory conditions they have, what messages players should get before the scenario and after winning or losing it etc. When you read this article, you should already be familiar with the basics of the editor: It is very simple and intuitive, and most of it explains itself. Screenshot from Budonian Tales 1) Get familiar with the basics More tricks are possible if you also have the original Age of Empires and Rise of Rome (see last chapter). This article combines the knowledge of many designers from the original Age of Empires game and the Definitive Edition, together with some observations I made.Īll these tricks described here work on their own if you have Age of Empires: DE. It has several new terrain features and features that the old game didn’t have. I was a fan of the old editor 20 years ago, and I find this new editor even more powerful.

You can create amazing terrains with this editor, and do a lot more than you will see on a random map. In spite of its bugs, the AoE:DE editor is intuitive and simple to use.

You may not have huge audience of players, but there will be dedicated gamers who are very happy about maps that are designed with love and attention to detail. So you may ask: Is it still worth designing with the Age of Empires editor? It’s your choice, but if you ask me: Yes, I think so. This has created some frustration in the community and it is not as big as it could be. Age of Empires:DE has launched earlier this year at this moment, support of the game unfortunately seems to have been abandoned by the developers. Using the Editor like a Palette of Paint: Map Design with Age of Empires Definitive Edition